Successful Treatment of Giant Nevus Spilus using a Q-Switched Nd: YAG Picosecond Domain Laser
Nevus spilus, Giant Spilus Nevus, Q-switched Laser Treatment and Q-switched Picoseconds Domain Laser Treatment.Abstract
Background: Nevus spilus (NS) is a congenital or early-childhood condition that is relatively uncommon. It is characterized by a pigmented lesion consisting of dark, hyperpigmented dots scattered over a tan-colored macule. This lesion is usually located on the trunk, extremities, or along the lines of Blaschko. NS are typically small in size, but may occasionally form a large unilateral plaque or generalized form that involves a considerable portion of the body. Large or giant NS can seriously affect a person's appearance and self-esteem, especially if located on exposed parts of the body. Different therapies for NS have been described, including conventional surgery, chemical peels, mechanical dermabrasion, and ablative and non-ablative lasers. Methods: Due to aesthetic and psychological concerns, a 27-year-old female born with a giant NS completely covering the right lower extremity was treated with a non-ablative Q-switched Nd:YAG picosecond domain laser in order to reduce the color of the nevus. Results: After five sessions of laser treatment, a complete reduction of the café au let and dark spots treated area was obtained. No recurrence was observed after a 1-year follow-up. Conclusion: The Q-switched Nd:YAG picosecond domain laser appears to be a safe and effective treatment for giant NS.
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