Posoncological Cutaneous Reconstruction of Penis with Scrotum Flaps about a Case
Cancer, penile, HPV, reconstruction and faloplastia.Abstract
Objective: The penile cancer is a rare entity in the developed countries and its incidence increases in the developing countries, achieving up to 10% of the malignancies in men. There is a crucial association with the HPV, in the same way it relates to inadequate hygiene habits and the phimosis. The objective of the surgical treatment is resection with adequate margins, and the inguinal lymph node dissection when indicated. The restore skin coverage in these lesions is a challenge for the surgeon, as it seeks to achieve a phallus almost normal appearance, and restore the patient's tactile and the erogenous function, with the fewest possible interventions, trying to minimize the psychological trauma. Previously, many of these patients were considered inoperable and were recommended to radiation therapy to cure the injury. The evolution of the plastic surgical techniques using skin or the myocutaneous flaps, have provided the surgeon another option to keep the local oncological control with acceptable morbidity.
Clinical Case: The aim of this paper is to present the case of a 56 years old male patient with diagnostic of squamous cell cancer of the penis stage II, who underwent the penile stripping, with bilateral inguinal lymphadenectomy; and rotation flap reconstruction of the scrotal skin. We found no published paper about the skin reconstruction of penile skin flap from scrotum for cancer patients, hence the importance of this work.
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