An Overview of Single Hospital Based Study on Industrial Related Accidental Injuries Needing Plastic Surgical Solutions
Industry, Injuries, Reconstruction.Abstract
Industrial accidents are the major cause of industrial injuries. In 1956, a WHO group defined an accident as an unpremeditated event resulting in recognizable damage. Causes of industrial injuries are classified as injury due to mechanical failure, injury due to defective material, injury due to electronic failure and injury due to faulty design of equipment and injury due to environmental condition. General Principles of managing industrial related injuries are:Elimination/Substitution,Engineering Control, Administrative Controls, Work Practice Controls, Personal Protective Equipment PPE.
However every year throughout the world there are many industrial accidents and the world is paying heavily for that (i.e., for accidents and injuries) in terms of both human suffering and huge economic loss. A proper health care system should, therefore, be provided for control and prevention of industrial accidents among workers during their working period. Hence, in developing an efficient health care system, proper information on the status of occupational accidents/injuries in the industry are prime factors to be gathered..
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