Abdominal Perimeter Reduction with a Non-Contact Transdermal Radiofrequency Device at 27.12 Mhz and 300 Atts of Power: Retrospective Results Study
Radiofrequency, Body Contouring, Abdominal Reduction, Non-Invasive Fat Reduction, Non-Contact Transdermal Radiofrequency.Abstract
Introduction: The global demand for non-invasive fat reduction procedures is continuously increasing. Numerous procedures have been developed for this purpose, such as ultrasound, focused ultrasound, cryolipolysis, radiofrequency, and laser, which can be used alone or combined. Several of these procedures do not have publications with evident results, and others, although they obtain results, have described adverse effects and moderate and severe complications. Methods: Retrospective patient records evaluation. Forty patients, twenty-three women and seventeen men, treated between August 2017 and December 2019, fulfilled a control at 30 days post-treatment (PT), with ages between 19 and 84 years, an average of 50 years, who underwent complete treatment of 6 and 8 sessions with non-contact transdermal radiofrequency equipment (NCTR) of 27.12 Mhz and 300 watts of power. Results: The patient's abdominal perimeter average reduction obtained was 1.35 cm (range of 0 cm to 6 cm) on patients who performed six sessions. The patient's abdominal perimeter average reduction was 2.47 cm (range 0.5 cm to 13 cm) on patients who completed eight sessions. The abdominal perimeter average reduction in all 40 patients was 1.91 cm (range 0 cm to 13 cm). Only two patients of the group of six sessions didn't show any reduction. A significant abdominal perimeter reduction measure decreased according to the increase of sessions number: 54.65 % more reduction comparing the eight sessions group against the six sessions group of treated patients. More abdominal circunference reduction was found in males, an average of 2.7 cm, compared to females, an average of 1.5 cm, in the total of 40 patients comparing at 30 days post-treatment control results. It means that males obtain 55% more response to the treatment than females. Four fatty tissue induration that did not generate deformity or symptomatology appear as side effects. Resolved spontaneously without treatment in 7 days in the whole series appear. Conclusion: NCTR device at 27.12 Mhz and 300 watts of power turned out to be a safe and effective treatment to eliminate abdominal and flank fat, reduce circumference, and improve abdominal contour in most patients treated. A significant increase in abdominal perimeter reduction was found according to the rise in NCTR sessions. This significant reduction is noticed better at 30-day PT control than at the end of the treatment. Males obtain a better response to the treatment. Carrying out prospective studies with a larger number of subjects and long-term follow-up and adding better fat tissue reduction controls like ultrasound, computed axial tomography in all patients will make it possible to objectify better the results obtained.
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