Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Lower Lip in an Old Black African Woman
Lip squamous cell carcinoma, Surgical treatment, Local flaps.Abstract
Squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) of the lower lip is the most frequent cancer of the oral cavity in the elderly. The potential etiologic factors are pipe-smoking, tobacco-chewing and chronic alcohol consumption. They grow slowly and are easily diagnosed. But, they can lead to functional, esthetical complications and to death when diagnosed and treated lately. Here, we report a case of SCC of the lower lip in a black woman aged of 82 year-old evolving for 10 years, associated with tobacco use for over 40 years. The clinical examination noted: a large, bourgeoning and ulcerated tumor covering the 2/3 part of the lower lip with irregular raised indurate borders which bleed when traumatized, without regional lymph node and distant metastasis. The patient was treated by wide surgical excision associated with V to Y advancement flap added to nasolabial island flap, and healed within 4 weeks, with good aesthetic and functional results without any recurrences after 2 years follow up time. The late diagnosis of SCC makes its treatment difficult and expensive in limited resource countries like Côte d’Ivoire. Therefore, it is necessary to set up a preventive strategy to detect the disease in its initial stage to promptly institute effective and efficient care.
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