Obstetric Outcomes of Position Abnormalities Detected by Intrapartum Suprapubic Transabdominal Ultrasound
Abnormal fetal position, dysfunctional labor, second period of prolonged labor.Abstract
Objective: to propose the use of ultrasound during abnormal labor, as a detection of position abnormalities, to evaluate the way of resolution of pregnancy and reduce maternal-fetal complications.
Materials and Methods: Prospective, cross-sectional, descriptive study, carried out in term pregnant patients, carried out in a second level of care in December 2018 to July 2019, the population was divided into group 1 (it included 15 patients with evolution abnormal labor in which no ultrasound was performed to detect position abnormalities) and group 2 (15 patients with abnormal evolution of labor and ultrasound detection of position anomaly were included) to determine the usefulness of diagnosis by ultrasound and its association with maternal-fetal morbidity and mortality.
Results: A total of 30 patients were registered, both groups with 15 patients each, in group 1, 11 patients with maternal and fetal morbidity were reported, whose resolution was vaginal in which position abnormalities were detected during the obstetric event, In group 2, 15 patients were reported with abnormal evolution of labor and with a diagnosis of position abnormalities, detected by ultrasound during the second period of labor, whose resolution of pregnancy was abdominal, without complications, in 4 Patients the indication was due to fetal compromise.
Conclusions: Timely detection in the second period of labor for position abnormalities is an effective method to reduce maternal-fetal complications.
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