The Impact of Antifungal Agents on the Morphology Dimorphism of Vaginal Candida Albicans
Candida albicans, the yeast form, the mycelial form, antifungal susceptibility.Abstract
Objective: To compare the MICs of the five antifungal agents against Candida albicans isolated from patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis (VVC) in yeast form and in mycelial form. Method: 60 Candida organisms were cultured from samples obtained from patients with VVC of the Gynecology outpatient. Antifungal susceptibility testing was performed using the broth microdilution (BMD) method (CLSI, document M27-A2) of five agents. Results: The MIC values of miconazole and nystatin against C. albicans in mycelial form were significantly higher than those in yeast form, while the MIC of itraconazole against C. albicans in mycelial form was lower than those in yeast form (P<0.01). MIC values of clotrimazole and fluconazole showed no difference between the two forms (P>0.05). The susceptibility rate of the C. albicans in mycelia form (98.3%) to itraconazole was significantly higher than that in yeast form (51.7%). In yeast form, the susceptibility rate of C. albicans to itraconazole was significantly lower than that of fluconazole (51.7%, 100%). In mycelial form, the susceptibility rate of the two azoles were similar (98.3%, 100.0%). Conclusion: The mycelial form of C. albicans was more sensitive to itraconazole than the yeast form. All the azole agents had a good antifungal activity to the mycelium.
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