Challenging the Status Quo in Higher Education


  • Igor Rižnar University of Primorska, Faculty of Management, Slovenia



Research-Based Teaching, Change Management, Dual-Process Theory, Higher Education, Learning


This article acknowledges the intricate nature of higher education, recognizing its complexities and the multiple interactions among various stakeholders such as teachers, students, policymakers, parents, professional associations, politicians, the economy, and society. While briefly touching upon the Bologna reforms, the article primarily focuses on several crucial aspects of education. First, it delves into the realm of brain science to explore learning and teaching. Second, it addresses prevailing myths and misconceptions about learning and thinking that continue to be widely believed by teachers. Third, it examines biases present among both teachers and education policy makers. Fourth, it discusses the working conditions experienced by academics, and fifth, it outlines a project and a teaching method that could ignite transformation of HEIs.


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2023-10-15 — Updated on 2023-10-22


