Prevalence of Allergic Diseases in Humid Tropical Climate of South Assam, India


  • Dhruba Sharma Regional Centre, National Afforestation and Eco-development Board, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong793022, Meghalaya, India
  • Biman K. Dutta Regional Centre, National Afforestation and Eco-development Board, North-Eastern Hill University, Shillong793022, Meghalaya, India
  • A.B. Singh Department of Ecology and Environmental Science, Assam University, Silchar-788011, Assam, India



Demography, Epidemiology, Allergy, Pollen, Fungus, WBCs.


Prevalence of allergic diseases in the humid tropical climate of South Assam was studies through demographic, biochemical, immunological and clinical investigations. A total of 280 allergic patients were examined out of which 90 patients with seasonal and atopic allergic problems were considered for detail investigation. A large number of patients having family basis of allergy were recorded in South Assam with maximum number in the age group of upto 15 yrs. About 10% patients were suffering from allergic problems by birth. Most of the patients tested clinically showed group II range of eosinophil count (42.4%). Out of the 90 patients sera tested by plate ELISA methods, 82 sera were positive to the tested allergens. Multiple allergenicity was recorded in 60% sera tested. Among 90 patients, 66.6% were having abnormal airway function with 31% showing obstructive disorder. Poor and lower middle class people showed maximum allergic symptoms which could be attributed to the meager diet and negligence in health care and this could lead to the reduction in immunity against environmental allergens. Multiple factors viz., atmospheric allergens load of an area, season and time of exposure, family basis of allergy, economic status of people, hygiene conditions, elevated IgE and eosinophil could be responsible for kind and severity of allergic disorders. Therefore, single factor analysis might not give accurate results for allergy testing and hence multiple ranges of tests should be encouraged in clinical investigations.


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