of Advanced Plastic Surgery Research2024-08-08T22:13:04+00:00Open Journal Systems<p><strong>Journal of Advanced Plastic Surgery Research</strong> is an international scientific journal providing a platform for dermatologists, dermatologic surgeons, plastic and reconstructive surgeons, ENT surgeon and maxiofacial surgeons for the exchange of information on all aspects of aesthetic, plastic and reconstructive surgery. The journal provides expanded coverage on new procedures and techniques in all aspects of plastic and reconstructive surgery.</p> Ultrasound for Diagnosing and Managing Complications Arising from Thread Lift Procedures2024-03-05T10:21:27+00:00Claudia Gonzalezclaud_gonzalezdiaz@yahoo.comClaudia Valeria<p>Facial rejuvenation with thread lift is a minimally invasive procedure that is increasingly being utilized due to its tightening and collagen-stimulating effects. Despite its advantages, it is not exempt from the development of complications, including visible or palpable threads, nodules, fistulas, granulomas, thread extrusion, hematomas, and sunken cheeks, among others. Accurate diagnosis and management can benefit from high-resolution ultrasound exploration, which allows for precise determination of the complication type and provides anatomical information essential for its management. In this publication, we present a review of the characteristic ultrasonographic aspects of these complications. </p>2024-03-05T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Skin Retraction in Body Contouring in Adults with Sole VASER Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction2024-05-15T16:01:45+00:00Federico Giovagnoliinfo@greenpublishers.orgAlberto Di<p>The Authors introduce ultrasound-assisted liposuction (UAL), in older patients, as a body contouring procedure, capable of enhancing skin retraction beyond the normal deflation that accompanies the fat removal . Lately, new technologies have been introduced to treat skin laxity, such as Renuvion Helium Plasma, and different combinations of them have been experimented and performed, such as UAL and PAL accomplished with plasma gas source. On the contrary, the Authors feel and show that, by simply using sole subdermal UAL, it is still possible to achieve amazing results of skin retraction in different areas of body contouring, in adults. In this study, we present results of 40 patients (age ranging from 50 to 67 yo) treated with sole VASER UAL. We evaluated skin retraction objectively, by measuring the shrinkage of the treated areas, by using microdot tattooing with India Ink . 6-months post op results show the successful enhancement of skin retraction obtained with the sole UAL technique, despite laxicity of skin. The Authors also report two cases of complications, after body contouring procedures in the abdominal region, performed by other surgeons who combined UAL with PAL and plasma gas source. In conclusion, we state that VaserLipo, as sole technology, used in subdermal layer, can safely enhance skin retraction, if properly performed by a well-trained surgeon, even in older patients, in all areas, minding that a minimum amount of fat is present. </p>2024-06-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anatomical Changes in the Nasal Vasculature after Rhinoplasty: Analysis of a Series of Cases2024-08-04T02:17:33+00:00Gabriela Menjí<p> It is known that surgical procedures can change the vascularization of the face, and these changes can be related in the course and depth of vessels, increasing the risk for complications with injectable products. The goal of this work is to objectively demonstrate the course and variation of these vascular structures through Doppler ultra-sonographic monitoring. In this research 9 patients were studied, of which 7 completed the study. The presurgical ultrasound study detected anatomical variations like agenesy of the angular artery and dorsal nasal artery in 11.12% of tha patients. The post surgical evaluation detected 85.71% of vascular changes mainly in the nasal arteries. This findings confirm the importance of practicing ultrasonographis evaluation in patients with rhinoplasty, previous to practicing new filler injections in the face</p>2024-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024 Anatomical Changes in the Nasal Vasculature after Rhinoplasty: Analysis of a Series of Cases2024-08-08T22:13:04+00:00Gabriela Menjívargabriela.menjivar311@gmail.comNicolás Herediainfo@greenpublishers.orgClaudia Gonzálezinfo@greenpublishers.orgRoxana Coboinfo@greenpublishers.orgJuan Gabriel Camachoinfo@greenpublishers.orgJorge Espinosa-Reyesinfo@greenpublishers.orgJuan Fernando Muñ<p>It is known that surgical procedures can change the vascularization of the face, and these changes can be related in the course and depth of vessels, increasing the risk for complications with injectable products. The goal of this work is to objectively demonstrate the course and variation of these vascular structures through Doppler ultra-sonographic monitoring. In this research 9 patients were studied, of which 7 completed the study. The presurgical ultrasound study detected anatomical variations like agenesy of the angular artery and dorsal nasal artery in 11.12% of tha patients. The post surgical evaluation detected 85.71% of vascular changes mainly in the nasal arteries. This findings confirm the importance of practicing ultrasonographis evaluation in patients with rhinoplasty, previous to practicing new filler injections in the face.</p>2024-08-08T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2024