Laryngospasm in Paediatric Anaesthesia: A Review


  • S. Chattopadhyay Medical College & Hospital, Kolkata, India
  • A. Rudra K.P.C. Medical College, Kolkata, India
  • S. Sengupta Apollo Gleneagles Hospital, Kolkata, India



Airway management, Anaesthesia, Complication, Laryngospasm, Paediatric, Succinylcholine.


Paediatric laryngospasm is often a serious adverse respiratory event encountered during anaesthetic care of children. This common phenomenon is dependent on multiple factors. Identifying the risk factors and taking necessary precautions are the key points in prevention of laryngospasm. Although the majority of laryngospasm episodes are self-limited or responsive to conservative maneuvers, the anaesthesiologist must be prepared to treat the episode appropriately to avoid this life-threatening complication. The present review discusses laryngospasm with the emphasis on the risk factors associated with laryngospasm and the techniques used for different preventive and treatment modalities.


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